Small Groups

Why join a small group?

Small Groups hold significant importance within True Life Church Tulsa, serving as the nurturing ground for building relationships, sharing care and support, encountering truth, and fostering personal growth. Becoming a part of a small group is a vital step towards making True Life feel like home.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25


  • Groups typically range anywhere from 6-14 people.

  • We typically practice activities that center around the Five Champions (outline in Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose-Driven Church”).

    1. Worship: Creating meaningful and inspiring worship experiences that draw people closer to God.

    2. Ministry: Serving and meeting the needs of individuals within and outside the church community.

    3. Evangelism: Reaching out to those who do not yet have a relationship with Christ and bringing them into the church family.

    4. Fellowship: Fostering authentic and caring relationships among members of the church.

    5. Discipleship: Helping believers grow in their faith and become more like Christ through education and spiritual formation.

    Each week can look different but remain focused on fostering growth across all the Champions.

  • No small group is perfect. That being said, there are some factors to keep in mind when looking for a group to call home:

    1. Selecting a group based on a leader’s recommendation or invitation.

    2. Selecting a group based upon a relational connection you have made at True Life.

    3. Selecting a group that aligns with your life stage and experiences.

    4. Selecting a group that fits your schedule.

    5. Selecting a group that is nearest to your home.

    It’s important to consider all of these factors when choosing a small group. You are welcome to try out different groups before settling on one. If you need more guidance in navigating small groups, please reach out.

  • You can join in a couple of different ways:

    1. Church Center small groups list (see above): Here, you can explore all our different groups and filter by life stage, location, meeting day, etc. There is an option to select a group that you’d like to visit. A leader should reach out to your shortly with more information.

    2. Personal Connection: Many people start visiting small groups after an invitation from a friend or family member.

    Whichever path you take, we’re here to guide you through the journey!

  • We encourage every person to eventually find a small group to grow with and commit to! Hopping around groups and long-term inconsistency is hard on anyone! Committing will help you and your small group with:

    1. Deeper Relationships

    2. Accountability

    3. Personal Growth

    4. Trust and Vulnerability

    5. Community Impact

    6. Group Cohesion

    7. Stability and Routine

    8. Leadership Development

  • Probably! It's completely normal to experience some awkwardness, especially if you're new to the group. Meeting new people and sharing life experiences can come with moments of forced conversation, awkward silences, and even discomfort as you grow together.

    However, we encourage you to embrace these moments because they are often a part of the journey towards building authentic community and personal growth. Life can be messy, but it's through these shared experiences with fellow church members that we find support, understanding, and a deeper sense of belonging.

  • Yes! Our small group members bring along their families all the time. It’s not always feasible to find child-care so we welcome your entire family to come and do life together.

  • Not at all! Our small groups welcome everyone, whether you're exploring faith or already a believer. It's a great space for learning about Jesus and discussing questions with the community.

We aren’t just a church with small groups. We’re a church of small groups.